Hello and welcome to

the Diaspora Oasis

A blog for shared experiences

The Diaspora Oasis (TDO) blog was created by Geoffrey and Grace to inspire and encourage grandparents, and to offer words of wisdom to the next generations. It is our sincere prayer that through sharing our journey that others may find it worthwhile to share their life experiences within their families. 

Karibu tena!

You've come to the right place

Here, in the Diaspora Oasis, we will each narrate our life experiences from birth to the present. These narratives will touch upon the restructuring of blended family lifestyle over five generations shaped by the countries we have resided (Kenya & US).

our goal

It is our desire that the content we share will touch and uplift someone, with the hopes that they will be empowered in reaching their potential. Also, to create an understanding and to discover solutions to life’s uncertainties.

We would love to hear from you!

 Browse our website to learn more about us and our stories. Feel free to contact us.